Friday, September 12, 2014

Avedon's Amazing Photography

The black and white really appeals to me, the grime on his face appears to almost be a shadow due to the nature of the picture. The piercing colors of his eyes blend in with his face, giving a very subtle impression with nice lighting. The darkness and ISO of the picture is perfect in my opinion and the character that it portrays is very fascinating.

I love this picture because of the portrayal of the details of this man’s face, instead of focusing on a larger area. it describes Picasso’s face beautifully in a nice angle that captures every piece of his face. Picasso’s eyes are shown with a curiosity that makes you want to see what he looks at, the wrinkles and texture of his skin is obvious and very detailed. The dark coloring really appeals to me as well and the white contrast of the man’s eyes.

What It Means To Green Screen!

Photography Vocabulary

Aperture - The variable opening of a camera that allows light to travel through.

Shutter Speed - the exposure time of the shutter, the length of time a camera’s shutter is not closed.

ISO - sensitivity to the camera’s sensor to light.