Thursday, April 23, 2015

Artist Of The Week: Julius Shulman

This image is captured beautifully, the hills seeming to be of varying opacities in the background, the very geometrically symmetric and appealing structure of the house, the angle that captures everything from the mountains to the pool, to a lady posing for the picture. I really like this picture of it's overall flow and design, especially the fogginess above the house and how each hill seems to get foggier into the distance. The house seems to be very modern even though the picture was taken in black and white, the center hallway below the chimney seems to be the main room.

The beautiful night is captured by artist/photographer Julius Shulman, in this photograph, the modern architecture of LA is flaunted against the grid like landscaping of the inner city. In this famous photograph of a famous modernist house, the architecture of a house sitting on a cliff, with overly large roofs captures all attention. The focal point seems to be the bright light inside the building, the contrast between black and white between the roof is very visually appealing, as well as the angle on which the photograph is taken.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

I plan on choosing apathy/indifference as my social issue.