Tuesday, March 22, 2016

The Meaning of Life's Curved Path

A few minutes ago, I felt like I was wasting my entire day. Instead of progressing forward in my life, I procrastinated my homework for several hours and choose instead to fill my mind with the entertainment of Action-packed Wuxia novels. Though insignificant, this issue represents a deeper emotional problem I have been fighting. My emptiness that feels as though it is ingrained in to my personality. I so urgently need to find and maintain purpose, yet because of this, I fill my mind with stimulation so that I can escape from reality. All too often I stray off of my path, I forget my values, I lose my priorities. I know what I need to do, but I instead knowingly and unknowingly cast aside my duties to myself and others. Today, I have remembered them once again, tomorrow I may forget them. Whatever and wherever life takes me, I deeply thank those around me for reminding me what is most important. I love everyone even though I may not have known them.  I vow to learn to smile more openly and be one with humanity.