Thursday, April 30, 2015

Plant Studio

Weekly Vocabulary

1. Bang Bang Club - Four photographers and others that were involved with capturing the activism in South Africa, primarily Kevin Carter, Greg Marinovich, Ken Oosterbroek, and João Silva.

2. VII Photo Agency - A photographic agency with 9 members that focus on capturing conflict. Was created by seven members.

3. PhotoRealism - A genre of art/photography where photographers try to replicate a photograph to another medium as realistically as possible through many different methods.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Artist of the Week: James Nachtwey

This picture by James Nachtwey is extremely powerful, the hand position and side shot of the facial features of this young man,  along with the contrast of the background creates a hugely powerful effect demonstrating the effects of war, the scars on his face, the position of his hand, his eyes, and the expression of his mouth really show the injury that he's been through. To add to the effect of these elements, Nachtwey also captures this photograph in black and white, creating a somberness.

This photograph is so sad, the posture of this man laying on the ground, the hands touching the ground, the man's body so thing and skinny, almost starved to death, James Nachtwey upheld justice by capturing the horrors that occur elsewhere and sharing them. The man seems so hopeless, his expression towards the ground, bones more then fat showing, the darkness of the structure behind him adds to this, the knowledge that humans lie nearby but nobody is doing anything.