Tuesday, May 12, 2015

10 Pic Story

Eating Breakfast
Feeding Anakin and Lovey

Walking to school
Get to School
A period Digital Photo

Dana is sleeping, sitting down

Eating lunch with Dana

IT Administration after school

Driving home
Cooking dinner and eating!

Artist of the Week/ Ansel Adams

Ansel Adams is a famous American photographer and environmentalist, he frequently enjoys taking black and white photographs of American landscapes. This photo is a beautifully light, gorgeous still of the scenery of the Grand Canyon. The lighting is shown much better than if there were color, seeing the dark shadows on the large rocky cliffs and the lit-up mid section of the river. The focal point is definitely the center island, the horizon must the land seem as if it will go on forever.

This photo by Ansel Adams is most definitely my favorite. The beautiful angle from which it was taken is unique to this photograph, no other photographer could capture such a beautiful landscape as perfectly as him. The way the river blends and flows along, the gorgeous mountains behind the land. The untouched beauty of this miracle of nature, the godly clouds coming from behind the mountain and rays of light from a rising sun, this photograph is simply a masterpiece. The high resolution quality really enchants my eyes.
