Friday, December 12, 2014

Writing With Light

Monday, December 8, 2014

Artist of the Week : George Lawrence

This image taken by George Lawrence is my favorite because of the nature of the circumstances in which it was photographed. It is the first of it's kind, an aerial photograph of San Francisco in Ruins captured by a heavy duty camera brought higher into the atmosphere using an airship. The picture's panoramic view is enormously amazing for the photographic technology at that time, the capture f the sun and clouds makes the city look almost as if it is a cartoon drawing, almost unreal, when in fact is real. The photograph is beautiful and although doesn't show the full devastation of the fires due to distance, it really depicts the city in it's previous state, the focal point seems to be at the center of the city, just before the harbor filled with ships.

This photo has large history, it is a photograph of the alton limited, a very long train. George Lawrence built a gigantic camera that took several man to prepare and use, the camera was bigger than a modern day vehicle, using this camera, he was able to take a photo of the entire train, a large feat. This display is now standing in a museum, representing his photographic legacy.

HOPE (Human Outerspace Potential Expansion)