Thursday, February 5, 2015

Artist Of The Week - Hiroshi Sugimoto

I really like this picture by Hiroshi because of it's extremely gloomy and realistic nature. The large varieties of scavengers preying on the landscape add to the effect and seem to be very unlikely to capture in a natural landscape. As for the landscape itself, the scarcity of trees, and the appearances of their shallow brushes create an amazing desolate and isolating effect. The black and white tone of the picture greatly emphasizes the feeling of death, and the focal point seems to be the conglomerations of vultures and the black tree where one sits.

This picture really appeals to me because of it's sheer simplicity and beauty. Although i don't like the black and white color scheme, because i would like to see the beauty of the ocean and the clear skies, i like this picture because of the clearness of the distinction between the ocean, the ripples in the waves, and the white sky. The focal point seems to be the horizon where everything meets, this picture illuminates a concept of endlessness as the ocean seems to be endless.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Weekly Vocabulary

1. Large Format Photography - Any imaging format that is 102 x 127 mm or larger

2. Miniature Faking - This is a method of photography than involves faking a miniature diorama through simulating depth of field with the use of blurring and high angles.

3. View Camera - A camera with a lens mount and film holder that can be set at any angle, extendable bellows, focusing cloth, and much more.