Friday, June 5, 2015

Apathy/Indifference/Human Waste Social Issue Gif File

Monday, June 1, 2015

Artist of the Week / Gordon Parks

This photograph by Gordon Parks is quite adorable, the curious and venturing eyes of the man looking around are the definite focal point of the photograph. The capturing of this photograph at the ground places the man in the perfect position turning him into the center of attention. The smooth white light above the ground cover makes him almost glow, and the blurry landscape casts our attention back onto the man. As though creating the venturing persona of a photographer this photograph displays the man with dirty hands and in a strange position.

This famous photograph called American Gothic was taken because of rampant racism. It portrays a black woman in Washington DC with mops by her side. The American flag behind her seems to say "This is America, the land of racism" implying that there is great injustice. The old style of her dress gives away the time period and the vertical way the flag is draped is actually quite strange.

Artist of the Week: Choose (Robert Mapplethorpe)

This photograph by Robert Mapplethorpe is very fashionable and trendy as well as artistically symbolizing taboo human behavior, the clothing style is very revealing and oddly worn, as shown by the pants being lower than necessary and the shirt covering the private area. The black and white coloring and smooth solid background of the photograph adds a nice touch, And the angle of the shot exposes a slick hairstyle and larger portion of the man's body. The choice of flowers is also nice.

This photograph is one of my favorite because of the concept of a face half submerged in water. The focal point seems to be the face, especially the center nose of the water, the manner in which the water ripples at the edges of his face and are almost symmetrical at the corners gives a clean artistic feel to the photograph. Additionally the white and black adds to the water and hair's contrast with one another and the focus on a large face is quite a powerful effect to the looker/