Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Cartoonized Portrait

Monday, September 29, 2014

Artist Of The Week - Diane Arbus

This photo by Diane Arbus really surprised me and gave me a strange feel. The toy grenade gripped in one hand and the empty air in the other
gives me the impression of the child’s imagination and imagery of the world around him, mixing his reality with his imagination. The way his face
and eyes look give me a very deranged feeling and the black and white colors of the image emphasizes this as well. The suspender thats fallen off
a shoulder and the child’s ignorance of this adds to it, and his skinniness as well as the dark figures behind him make it very suspenseful although the
park itself is bright and has light.

This photo uses the symmetry of two similar body figures and components to create a great photograph. The messy hairy bodies of these young fellows give a nice homely
feel to the image, the simple shorts and skinny bodies add and even cooler feel, and the slight smiles and eye positions show a simple happiness and contentment of life.
This photo is great!

Resolution And Metadata

DPI - Dots per inch, the measure of the density of dots within spacial printing or video density

PPI - The measure of resolution or pixels per inch of a screen.

Metadata - The design and use of data structures