Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Amazing Prius

Modified Japanese Prius credit to StanceNation

Monday, December 15, 2014

Artist of the Week: Margaret Bourke-White

This picture is very interesting because it depicts the separation of men and women in the audience and the absence of many women, showing only a few sitting within stalls. Perhaps this indicates some form of gender discrimination although the women seem to be smiling. The focal point of the image seems to be the "ladies" sign, perhaps indicating that the photo focuses on capturing the separation. The women see very homely and smiling where as the men looking upon the camera seem more serious, even one man near the back seems to be standing up and yelling. Lastly, the tone and position of the picture accent it nicely, the flash that portrays each woman creates a nice white and black balance, the angle from the ground up captures the audience nicely.               

This picture really appealed to me for multiple reasons. First, the ghost like edges of the fur coat of this young person created a nice touch to the photograph although i wasn't sure if that was done through editing, a natural landscape or camera settings. I also like the person portrayed the facial expression is one of seriousness, almost a kind of humility and wisdom, the tiny face within the fur is very cute. The focal point of this image seems to be the person's nose or face as a whole.