Friday, September 26, 2014

Climate Warming (Global Destablization)

How Money Is Made

Economic Hitman

Monday, September 22, 2014

Artist of The Week - Mario Testino

This photo really appeals to me because of the unity of all the elements based on color and proportions and texture. The background and the girl's clothing as well as skin color all go together very well. Her position in the image is perfect and creates an nice focal point, her posture matches the image very well and her size to the size of the background looks great.

This picture really appeals to me because of the woman's posture and intense figure and stare, it creates a serious yet sophisticated mood and the poodle makes everything adorable. The coloring and lighting is great, her clothes match her as well.

Elements of Art and Principles of Design

Texture- The way an object feels when it's touched, the surface of an object and it's response to our senses

Form- 3D objects with heights, widths, and depths

Line- The path made by a dot that moves straight.

Color- reflected or absorbed light that gives a perception or feeling

Value- How light or dark an object is.

Shape- A 2D enclosed area made up of lines

Space- the area around or inside an object in art.

Repetition- the copying of one design again and again

Balance- The manner in which elements are put together to create a feeling of completeness or stability

Emphasis- The area that stands out in an image, the focal point.

Movement- the placing of a design in different locations using repetition.

Pattern- Repetition of a design

Proportion- The relationship between one part of an art form to another based on scale

Rhythm- Creates a feel of movement through constant repetition

Unity- When every element of an image works together to make a appealing image.

Variety- using change and differences to make an art work appeal more.