Friday, March 20, 2015

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Thursday, March 19, 2015

Artist of The Week: Robert Capa

This photo by Robert Capa really appealed to me because of the setting and angle through which the photographer took it. Hiding in a crevice and awaiting jumping soldiers running across the Earth is great setting, on top of that, this is one of the only photographs that shows women in the army, as you can see near the center, there is a women running with a rifle in her arms, the motion of the photographers over the hills give the impression that they are athletic, the black shadow of the rocks beneath them shows where the photographer may have hidden.

Robert Capa was a photographer that photographed five different wars across the world, this is another one of his war photographs, i like this one because it captures the landscape beautifully, the beautiful plain landscape beneath the grassy hill where the soldiers sit and the hills in the distance. These soldiers are probably at a point of advantage above that of the enemy soldiers, they are kneeling in order to cover themselves. The way in which he shot this photograph was also really nice, showing the soldiers in a line using perspective.