Thursday, April 16, 2015

Artist of The Week: Lee Miller

This picture of the Vogue model Lee Miller is really artistic and fashionable.
Her white shirt seems to be the focal point and draws a lot of attention to the eyes.
Her slender face, and perfectly proportional eyes, slightly large nose and lips, add
a lot of beauty to the image. Furthermore, her clothes in the vintage color scheme
of old cameras creates a warm fuzzy sense and the white gloves she wears gives her
an upscale impression. The back ground with a distinct black line nicely complements her

This photography of Lee Miller is solarized, you can tell because of the black shadows
standing out on the edge's surrounding her body's boundary with the backdrop. This image's
black and white color creates a more somber tone, and the facial expression of seriousness and
absence of emotion backs that up. The slender upper body captured in this photograph makes her
seem tall whether or not that's true in reality. Capturing a side shot gives a less pressuring feel on her
eyes because she is not looking directly at the viewer of the photograph.

Action Shot

Weekly Vocabulary

Cyanotype - low cost photographic printing process that creates a cyan-blue print using Ammonium Iron Citrate (III) and Potassium Ferricyanide.

Solarisation - A photographic phenomenon that reverses the tones of a photograph, rendering dark areas light and vice versa.

Photogram (Man Ray's rayograph) - A photograph made without a camera by placing objects directly onto a photographic surface, Man Ray's is one of the most famous and involved using many objects that he took photos of to create an image referencing the abstract art of famous cubists and other types of artists.