Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Artist of the Week: Eadweard Muybridge

This was an early animation used in a zoopraxiscope created by Eadweard Muybridge. It is a very significant work because it was one of the first times anybody ever created the illusion of animated movement by capturing multiple stills of a horse and it's racer during a race. The images are ran throughout the zoopraxiscope at a relatively fast pace to animate the images. I like the way the image is depicted, using the side view of the horse, the elegance of the horse and it's rider is beautiful.

This was another early animation taken for use in a zoopraxiscope, you can see the changes in lighting as the lady moves to jump across the stool, you can also see the floor's shadows and other particles. The jump is a very nice and fluid animation, as you can see across the top where the lady's legs almost form a parabola from the beginning to the end of the jump. Furthermore, you can see the lady from the side view as well as notice that she has a bent posture the entire time for some sort of reason. It adds to the photograph quite nicely.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Weekly Vocabulary

1.GIF - Graphics Interexchange format for images, bitmap image format with wide support and portability.
2. Zoopraxiscope - Early device for displaying motion pictures, displays a sequence of still motion pictures rapidly.
3. Kinetoscope - Early motion picture exhibition device, uses a peephole, designed for one viewer at a time.
4. Chronophotography - Antique photography technique that captures movement in several frames