Monday, September 22, 2014

Elements of Art and Principles of Design

Texture- The way an object feels when it's touched, the surface of an object and it's response to our senses

Form- 3D objects with heights, widths, and depths

Line- The path made by a dot that moves straight.

Color- reflected or absorbed light that gives a perception or feeling

Value- How light or dark an object is.

Shape- A 2D enclosed area made up of lines

Space- the area around or inside an object in art.

Repetition- the copying of one design again and again

Balance- The manner in which elements are put together to create a feeling of completeness or stability

Emphasis- The area that stands out in an image, the focal point.

Movement- the placing of a design in different locations using repetition.

Pattern- Repetition of a design

Proportion- The relationship between one part of an art form to another based on scale

Rhythm- Creates a feel of movement through constant repetition

Unity- When every element of an image works together to make a appealing image.

Variety- using change and differences to make an art work appeal more.

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