Friday, June 5, 2015

Apathy/Indifference/Human Waste Social Issue Gif File


  1. ?? Hunting pheasant and buck is both a Sport and a source of Human Sustenance for some folks. I hardly think that killing predatory bucks is considered "Human Waste". Lower on the food chain, it stands to reason that the highest order- Humans, will hunt in order to put food on the table and even save a buck head as a trophy if they happen to enjoy hunting. Human Waste is when a gang banger is a predator himself- on Other humans. Are you a vegetarian? Are you a political free-thinker, or are you still just echoing the comments your liberal parents have made ever since you could talk? Let me eyes with brown in the middle, hues of red/gold in your black hair, HUGE Steve Harvey lips, so atypical of orientals. You must have caucasian in you as well as African. Move to San Francisco or LA- they would LOVE that! Now all you need to do is come out of the closet and you'll make a fortune. Being a puppet is actually a waste of a perfectly good human.

    1. Hey man, i sincerely appreciate your comment. This project consists of very vague photos left up to every individual's own perspective, im glad to see such an intense and awesome comment. :) This project however has multiple subjects and was meant to express one of those subjects, human waste as the waste that humans produce, the picture of the person in the photo is just representing an individualistic attitude on campus and is a different subject in this project, i reference that in case that may be confusing and have caused you to think human waste meant a person as a waste of humanity instead of the waste a person produces. If seen from your perspective on human waste, then indeed the present gangbangers are like garbage. But if you dont hold optimism that people can change, how will people ever be inspired to change? You are indeed right, it is a valid and entirely necessary source of substenance for people. But, how can something not be considered a waste, when you kill something solely to kill it? It really depends and who and the circumstances. But, In a world with so much convenience, technology, and a population exponentially increasing, we become isolated from the significance of the lives of such beautiful creatures and tend to forget the significance of those lives and our original root to the world. Indeed being a puppet is a waste. I take no offense from your words because i totally can understand that you had your own experiences and intuition leading up to your conclusion that i am but a "puppet". In fact i dont follow any of the labels you pointed out as they solely cloud the mind and cause us to think in a closed box. I rather see each thought process for what it is and where it comes from rather than categorizing the whole thing. I mean does a society thrive perfectly off one economical system? No, each has it's faults. You have to look at each circumstance with a new set of open eyes. This was a post typed up on the spot, so i apologize for any inconsistencies. I hope the best for you man and thank you for your comment, it really inspired me to think of a lot of things. Great inference on my ethnicity, not really though hahaha i'm really mixed.

    2. Oh when i say beautiful creatures, i mean the deer, pheasants, and other animals.
