Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Amazing Prius

Modified Japanese Prius credit to StanceNation

Monday, December 15, 2014

Artist of the Week: Margaret Bourke-White

This picture is very interesting because it depicts the separation of men and women in the audience and the absence of many women, showing only a few sitting within stalls. Perhaps this indicates some form of gender discrimination although the women seem to be smiling. The focal point of the image seems to be the "ladies" sign, perhaps indicating that the photo focuses on capturing the separation. The women see very homely and smiling where as the men looking upon the camera seem more serious, even one man near the back seems to be standing up and yelling. Lastly, the tone and position of the picture accent it nicely, the flash that portrays each woman creates a nice white and black balance, the angle from the ground up captures the audience nicely.               

This picture really appealed to me for multiple reasons. First, the ghost like edges of the fur coat of this young person created a nice touch to the photograph although i wasn't sure if that was done through editing, a natural landscape or camera settings. I also like the person portrayed the facial expression is one of seriousness, almost a kind of humility and wisdom, the tiny face within the fur is very cute. The focal point of this image seems to be the person's nose or face as a whole.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Artist of the Week : George Lawrence

This image taken by George Lawrence is my favorite because of the nature of the circumstances in which it was photographed. It is the first of it's kind, an aerial photograph of San Francisco in Ruins captured by a heavy duty camera brought higher into the atmosphere using an airship. The picture's panoramic view is enormously amazing for the photographic technology at that time, the capture f the sun and clouds makes the city look almost as if it is a cartoon drawing, almost unreal, when in fact is real. The photograph is beautiful and although doesn't show the full devastation of the fires due to distance, it really depicts the city in it's previous state, the focal point seems to be at the center of the city, just before the harbor filled with ships.

This photo has large history, it is a photograph of the alton limited, a very long train. George Lawrence built a gigantic camera that took several man to prepare and use, the camera was bigger than a modern day vehicle, using this camera, he was able to take a photo of the entire train, a large feat. This display is now standing in a museum, representing his photographic legacy.

HOPE (Human Outerspace Potential Expansion)

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Monday, November 3, 2014

Weekly Vocabulary

1. RAW - raw data from a digital camera, unchanged and composed of rgb values at pixel locations

2.TIFF - Tagged Image file format, it has lossless compression

3.JPEG - Image file format that specifies the codec to compress an image, but it loses data each time compressed and does not specify the file format containing the stream

Credit to google definitions

Artist of the Week: Irving Penn

This photo by Irving Penn is the most piercing black and white i've seen. The symmetry of the face, paired with focused large eyes, large lips and freckles gives a beautiful image of this lady's face. The position of the hand right underneath her chin and constricting ring slightly overlaying the edge of her face gives her a more prideful or sassy look, the thick eyebrows, abundance of hair and large eyelashes.
This monochromatic style by Irving Penn nicely captures this biker's gang. Their expressions and cool atmosphere is shown through their postures and the darkness of their figures against the lightness of the background and floor. The Harly Davidsons seem to be at the center of the image, each person laying on, sitting on, or revolving around the bikes.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Artist Of The Week: Robert Frank

This photo by Robert Frank utilizes a focus on the woman near the front, it captures her mildly downtrodden expression and illustrates a scene with many people busy working on different things. I like this photo because these people seem to specialists or scientists of some kind, they are all wearing white coats and it reminds me of modern day images used to promote different fields.

I like this photo because of the style and old theme represented with the time period, not only are the buildings old, the street old, and the picture black and white, all the people walking are older, which leads me to wonder what they were doing there. They all have a clothing style that is very classic and retro and the whiteness/brightness of the sky adds a nice contrast.

Weekly Vocabulary/ Photography Lenses

Fisheye - wide lens angle giving a 180 degree view, scale near edges reduced
Macro - short for macro lens, used for focusing in on close objects.
Telephoto - lens with larger focal length than normal ones, narrow field of vision and magnified image

Monday, October 20, 2014

Path and Pen tool. Triangle of Exposure

Artist of The Week: Herb Ritts

This photo is shot at a great angle and edited to have a very fitting and beautiful color scheme, the moles in black, lightness and darkness of the two sides of the face and tan color of the body using photographic effects really gives a beautiful impression to this lady, her moles add a flair and style to the image. Overall this image communicates love, vanity and natural human beauty.

This photo is great because it illustrates a modern image of a type of man that people don't usually see that much of. The hair style using black and background of white contrasts nicely. The shaved halfway beard, eyelashes, and other features especially the mole give a feministic image to the man in the picture and the nick collars or some sort of fashion gives even more femininity to the man. The white and black is great for this image.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Make-Up Before & After



Artist Of The Week - Clarence Hudson White

This photo is a magnificent use of scenery/architecture of a house and focal points to contrast the position of a lady lying on her bed to the shadows of a staircase and tall doorway and other features of the vault ceiling style housing. Futhermore, the light inside the room and distant curtains and shadow of the staircase gives a depth to the image, almost like perspective. The slight inclusion of the rounded end of the staircase adds a nice touch to the photo.

This photo is a great capture of a woman's personality, it seems like her natural state and not a pose. The picture nicely compares the black color in her dress and hair to the white hat and white pieces of the dress. Her deep and serious expression with the position of her hand on her face is really thoughtful and possibly indicative of this women's life. Great photo and features overall! The presence of her ear and dress's wrinkles also adds to the photo's enjoyment.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Weekly Vocabulary

Premo Camera - First made in 1893, handmade, case made of mahogany, compact, star shutter, rapid rectilinear lens.

Photo-Secession - Early 20th century movement that made photography into a fine art.

Pictorialism - Name for the international style/looks movement that was at the forefront of photography between the late 19th century and early 20th.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Photography Challenge - 10 Photos

Something New

Something I wore




Childhood Memory


Someone I Love

Favorite Color

Self Portrait