Monday, November 3, 2014

Artist of the Week: Irving Penn

This photo by Irving Penn is the most piercing black and white i've seen. The symmetry of the face, paired with focused large eyes, large lips and freckles gives a beautiful image of this lady's face. The position of the hand right underneath her chin and constricting ring slightly overlaying the edge of her face gives her a more prideful or sassy look, the thick eyebrows, abundance of hair and large eyelashes.
This monochromatic style by Irving Penn nicely captures this biker's gang. Their expressions and cool atmosphere is shown through their postures and the darkness of their figures against the lightness of the background and floor. The Harly Davidsons seem to be at the center of the image, each person laying on, sitting on, or revolving around the bikes.

1 comment:

  1. My wife and I met the young lady in the far left in a chance encounter yesterday evening. She is in her 70’s now and is living a great life. She had some awesome story’s of the Angels in the photos and great memories that she shared. Awesome people hee husband and her and we’re welcomed in their home during this chance meeting and given this picture and the magi ine it was published in. Greatful for that chance encounter and have been invited back for bbq etc. phone is amazing and captures living life free!
