Friday, September 5, 2014

I Realized What I Need To Do Now

In the past i found great interest in being an engineer or inventor, the thought of submerging an underwater vehicle crafted by my hands, within the deep ocean gave me a profound feeling of excitement. But after the countless experiences i've faced, i found that my job has something to do with people, happiness, love, wisdom, life, and understanding. After seeing the harsh injustices that are found in every corner and roadway of our world, i realized the my job is to teach humanity the meaning of humanity and all that follows


  1. So, young teenage man-child, teach us what humanity is and submerge a car down to the ocean floor with your bare hands, see how excited you get. However, you may need an oxygen tank to complete such a task.
    Pacific Islanders and Engineers... Hey, I hear Apple is hiring in China. It might be a little crowded, but I have a feeling you'd fit right in.

    1. Haha funny. I think writing teach humanity implies that im at a higher level or something, that is by no means what i mean't and i really should critique my own posts lol. I know you know i didn't mean this literally, but just as the feeling of a large accomplishment and of a working mechanical machine accomplishing its goal. Actually engineers working in Hong Kong get huge pay bonuses and the lifestyle there is way better than here. I hope next tine you find something more constructive to say and you find your path instead of criticizing another person's. Maybe then you will be able to feel happier and more fulfilled.
