Monday, June 8, 2015

Animal Morph - Penguin Lion



Penguin Lion

Monday, June 1, 2015

Artist of the Week / Gordon Parks

This photograph by Gordon Parks is quite adorable, the curious and venturing eyes of the man looking around are the definite focal point of the photograph. The capturing of this photograph at the ground places the man in the perfect position turning him into the center of attention. The smooth white light above the ground cover makes him almost glow, and the blurry landscape casts our attention back onto the man. As though creating the venturing persona of a photographer this photograph displays the man with dirty hands and in a strange position.

This famous photograph called American Gothic was taken because of rampant racism. It portrays a black woman in Washington DC with mops by her side. The American flag behind her seems to say "This is America, the land of racism" implying that there is great injustice. The old style of her dress gives away the time period and the vertical way the flag is draped is actually quite strange.

Artist of the Week: Choose (Robert Mapplethorpe)

This photograph by Robert Mapplethorpe is very fashionable and trendy as well as artistically symbolizing taboo human behavior, the clothing style is very revealing and oddly worn, as shown by the pants being lower than necessary and the shirt covering the private area. The black and white coloring and smooth solid background of the photograph adds a nice touch, And the angle of the shot exposes a slick hairstyle and larger portion of the man's body. The choice of flowers is also nice.

This photograph is one of my favorite because of the concept of a face half submerged in water. The focal point seems to be the face, especially the center nose of the water, the manner in which the water ripples at the edges of his face and are almost symmetrical at the corners gives a clean artistic feel to the photograph. Additionally the white and black adds to the water and hair's contrast with one another and the focus on a large face is quite a powerful effect to the looker/

Thursday, May 21, 2015

10 Slide Gif Story

Artist of the Week : Louis Mendes

This photograph of a woman on the streets by Louis Mendes is extremely powerful in demonstrating the face of poverty. The way in which her body appears is incredibly moving, the bloody scars on her legs, the facial expression that seems normal yet is smothered in age and wrinkles. The tattered hair and paper bags and cigarette in her hand. It demonstrates the evils of alcoholism and addiction to nicotine that cause people to roam the streets of New York. I really like this photograph because of Louis Mendes's directness in capturing her.

Although this photo is not taken by Louis Mendes, it's of Louis Mendes and shows a very nice scene in which he is photographing. Very rarely do you see both the full scene of a photograph and the photographer. The coloring of the photograph with the light shades near the photographer creates a vivid scene that gives off a bright atmosphere. Louis Mendes is a famous NYC photographer, whenever people see him on the streets, they are all excited and eager to meet him. That element of this photograph is surprising to me, as those people on the horses are drawing the attention.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Artist of the Week/ Andreas Feininger

This photograph by Andreas Feininger demonstrates the mastery of landscape photography,
the manner in which the elements are captured, demonstrates the artistic technique called perspective's rendition into real life, as the roads get smaller and smaller into the distance. The clouds, hills, and sea, make a great backdrop behind the gloomy black buildings, though all areas are clogged with fog. The way in which most of the fog is over the building in the city also creates the idea that it is highly polluted because of it's density. I really like this photograph because of the nice angle and the high height at which it was taken.

This photograph is of Queen Mary, the ocean liner that rides the Hudson River, this photograph is similar to the above in that the tall city buildings serve as a backdrop for the image. I think that Andreas Feininger really was able to get the point across that the ocean liner is actually huge. You can see the massive steam tops reaching a third of the tallest buildings' heights. I really like this photograph because of this comparison of size between the ocean liner and entire city.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

10 Pic Story

Eating Breakfast
Feeding Anakin and Lovey

Walking to school
Get to School
A period Digital Photo

Dana is sleeping, sitting down

Eating lunch with Dana

IT Administration after school

Driving home
Cooking dinner and eating!

Artist of the Week/ Ansel Adams

Ansel Adams is a famous American photographer and environmentalist, he frequently enjoys taking black and white photographs of American landscapes. This photo is a beautifully light, gorgeous still of the scenery of the Grand Canyon. The lighting is shown much better than if there were color, seeing the dark shadows on the large rocky cliffs and the lit-up mid section of the river. The focal point is definitely the center island, the horizon must the land seem as if it will go on forever.

This photo by Ansel Adams is most definitely my favorite. The beautiful angle from which it was taken is unique to this photograph, no other photographer could capture such a beautiful landscape as perfectly as him. The way the river blends and flows along, the gorgeous mountains behind the land. The untouched beauty of this miracle of nature, the godly clouds coming from behind the mountain and rays of light from a rising sun, this photograph is simply a masterpiece. The high resolution quality really enchants my eyes.


Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Weekly Vocabulary

1. Speed Graphic camera - Camera invented by Graflex in Rochester, one of the most famous press cameras, capable of taking higher speed photos then previous cameras.

2. Contax camera - Camera using Zeiss lenses, high optical quality, manufactured by Kyocera, no longer produced after 2005.

3. Polaroid Spectra - Polaroid's line of cameras introduced in the 80's, high speed photographic cameras, used a new type of film.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Plant Studio

Weekly Vocabulary

1. Bang Bang Club - Four photographers and others that were involved with capturing the activism in South Africa, primarily Kevin Carter, Greg Marinovich, Ken Oosterbroek, and João Silva.

2. VII Photo Agency - A photographic agency with 9 members that focus on capturing conflict. Was created by seven members.

3. PhotoRealism - A genre of art/photography where photographers try to replicate a photograph to another medium as realistically as possible through many different methods.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Artist of the Week: James Nachtwey

This picture by James Nachtwey is extremely powerful, the hand position and side shot of the facial features of this young man,  along with the contrast of the background creates a hugely powerful effect demonstrating the effects of war, the scars on his face, the position of his hand, his eyes, and the expression of his mouth really show the injury that he's been through. To add to the effect of these elements, Nachtwey also captures this photograph in black and white, creating a somberness.

This photograph is so sad, the posture of this man laying on the ground, the hands touching the ground, the man's body so thing and skinny, almost starved to death, James Nachtwey upheld justice by capturing the horrors that occur elsewhere and sharing them. The man seems so hopeless, his expression towards the ground, bones more then fat showing, the darkness of the structure behind him adds to this, the knowledge that humans lie nearby but nobody is doing anything.