Monday, January 12, 2015

Artist of The Week: Jacob Riis

This photo is greatly representative of the poverty filling the tenements of New York, Jacob Riis successfully began a movement to expose and change the poverty within the United States by photography using its ability to show people the details of things that are uncomfortable to be aware of. This photograph was taken in a dark room using fill flash, the cramped living quarters and unsanitary conditions that fill the picture are all reflective of this photograph's powerful nature and the way in which it sparked change. 

This photograph by Jacob Riis is on homeless news boys, it's incredibly powerful because it shows that even young children such as these have to work. Even while doing so, they are unable to sustain themselves. The photograph is taken in a very powerful way because it shows the scratched and dirty walls in the background and shows these kids in the corner, sending a more powerful message than a different background such a city streets, also, by showing the kids sleeping huddled together, it asks questions like what happened to their families and how did they end up together. Another moving work captured by Jacob Riis.

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